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[[red underline]] "A soft answer turneth away wrath but grievous words stirr anger."
"A good conscience is the testimony of a good life and the reward of it."
"Buy what thou hast no need of and ere long thou shalt be selling thy necessities." [[/red underline]]
[[two large red exclamation points in left margin]]
Afterwards visited [[red underline]] Gould and Drake [[/red underline]] who complain of very [[red underline]] slack business [[/red underline]] and invite me to lunch for tomorrow.
Jan 5. Lunch at Felix with [[red underline]] Gould, Drake, ^[[Prof]] O'Neill, Stilleman, and Franklin also Dr. Lingfeld. [[/red underline]]
Jan 6.  Beautiful sunny weather 
Took a long walk, then car thru Jackson street as far as [[strikethrough]] 43 [[/strikethrough]] 3430 where Jacob's house is. Blinds drawn but upper rooms seem occupied. Pleasant locality of substan
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tial houses near Presidio. Walked to Presidio and old exhibition grounds. Art palace etc, then along water shore and yacht anchorage. Few yachts, and poorly cared for. A large schooner yacht "Invader San Francisco [[strikethrough]] [[hur h]] [[/strikethrough]] steel hull being repainted, also large Yawl which very strong boom "Athena Santa Barbara"
Evening [[strikethrough]] I met [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] O'Neill, Drake and Lingfeld [[/red underline]] took dinner with me at [[red underline]] St. Francis. [[/red underline]] A long talk about teaching and method in chemistry, reminiscences of chemists. [[red underline]] Lingfeld [[/red underline]] who always was a sympathyzer of the French [[strikethrough]] shows [[/strikethrough]] worked under [[red underline]] Spring in Liege and under Moissan. He shows keen [[/red underline]] judgment and [[red underline]] perspicacity [[/red underline]] in matters chemical. A very pleasant chat which lasted
[[vertical annotation in red in left margin]] San Francisco [[/left margin]]