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86 [[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] Catalina Island [[/vertical annotation]] and leggings and thick soled shoes, all out for walking tours in the mountains. A [[red underline]] cheerful sportive looking lot. [[/red underline]] Electric train ^[[left 9:00 A.M.]] well filled brought us to [[strikethrough]] San Pedro [[/strikethrough]] Wilmington on the water where large [[red underline]] Steamer Avalon [[/red underline]] was waiting. Number of fishing boats here. Noticed several [[strikethrough]] kedge [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] ketch rigged fishing boats [[/red underline]] or yachts also some shipyards where yachts are built or repaired [[strikethrough]] The lo [[/strikethrough]] Seems to be a large trade in [[red underline]] Barracuda and Tuna [[/red underline]] judging from several canneries nearby. The channel to the sea is almost straight and well sheltered, then at its opening is an artificial breakwater. [[end page]] [[start page]] 87 [[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] Catalina Island [[/vertical annotation]] Arrived at [[red underline]] Avalon, Catalina Island [[/red underline]] about noon. Pretty view of Island, cheerful looking red-roofed houses. Substantial pier. Many small boats moored in cove. Water very blue but without the white bottom of Florida. [[red underline]] Two little Fords, overburdened [[/red underline]] with two long wooden benches about 15 feet long on each side with a footboard extending the full length have been saddled over the chassis of the Ford and are carrying [[red underline]] twenty four passengers [[/red underline]] each (12 on each side) with the baggage and bundles placed between the two dos-a-dos lengthwise benches. [[red underline]] St Catherine Hotel [[/red underline]] entirely new, excellent clean cheerful rooms, with baths etc. Excellent meals. Went out for a long stroll after lunch until dark
Transcription Notes:
"dos-?dos" is an archaic term meaning "back to back"