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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] San Francisco [[/vertical annotation]] 
filled ^[[altho' Porter tells me traffic has much diminished since 3 months.]] Met again the new President of [[red underline]] University of California. [[/red underline]]
Jan 19. Arrive Frisco about 9:45 AM 
Took overland train at 1 P.M. Car is almost empty. Main occupants a family of chinese old wrinkled chinese who has lived in California 47 years his rather young wife and five children the youngest of which is about 2 years old a girl that looks like a chinese doll. Landscape near Frisco looks more green than that of Los Angeles or San Diego 
At 7:30 P.M. we are in the mountains and snow everywhere
^[[January]] Thursday 20. Another day of monotonous ride and snowy wintry landscape.
January 21. Weather sunny but cold 7000 feet altitude [[red underline]] La Ramie [[/red underline]] an assemblage of wooden
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frame structures, gray and unattractive that has developed into a large town since the time it was a frontier town.
[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] Denver [[/vertical annotation]] 
Arrived in [[red underline]] Denver [[/red underline]]  at 12:45 P.M. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] at the station, just had time to take lunch together and leave with 2:45 P.M train for Chicago. [[red underline]] Gave George [[/red underline]] a check for $100.00 
Bought [[red underline]] Harry Franks Vagabonding around the World. [[/red underline]] Very interesting
Jan 22. Mild weather car not crowded. Very monotonous landscape but Frank's [[red underline]] Vagabonding [[/red underline]] gives me interesting [[strikethrough]] lecture [[/strikethrough]] reading.
[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] Chicago [[/vertical annotation]] 
Arrived Chicago on time which has [[red underline]] become unusual since the war. [[/red underline]] At 9:30 P.M. waited in station for train to New York over Pittsburgh which leaves at 12:05 P.M. and which is rather crowded.
Jan 23. [[strikethrough]] Had [[/strikethrough]] Arrived Pittsburgh