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[[strikethrough]] afternoon [[\strikethrough]] ^[[evening]] - time to take dinner at [[red underline]] William Penn Hotel [[/red underline]] before train proceeds to New York.
Jan 24. Arrival at [[red underline]] Pennsylvania [[/red underline]] Station in New York where Lewis was with our car. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] has left yesterday for [[red underline]] Denver. [[/red underline]]
A very busy day, straightening up belated mail. Weather very cold, [[red underline]] large boiler out of order. [[/red underline]] Small one insufficient all this to carelessness in not [[red underline]] attending to all this in time. [[/red underline]]
[[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] explains me situation in [[red underline]] Dane Molding [[/red underline]] Co. and careless management of [[red underline]] Burroughs and May. [[/red underline]] Feel very tired and disgusted and feel foolish to mix myself in all these complications instead
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of [[red underline]] disconnecting myself with everything and go and live in peace where I am not bothered [[/red underline]] by everything and everybody. 
Jan 25. More belated correspondence [[red underline]] Fuller [[/red underline]] here for lunch, discussing [[red underline]] Dane Molding [[/red underline]] Co. affairs in presence of [[red underline]] George Roll. [[/red underline]] Told him to get rid of [[red underline]] Morton [[/red underline]] and to reduce rent.
Jan 26. [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] here for lunch and supper long discussion of affairs of Bakelite Co and of [[red underline]] Dane Molding [[/red underline]] Co.  George Roll present.
Jan 27. [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] here for lunch, same talk as the two last days. [[red underline]] Told him firmly that situation at Dane Molding Co was directly due to lack of proper supervision in his office. [[/red underline]] Went over future policy and programs of G.B Co. [[strikethrough]] Again he [[/strikethrough]]
Jan 28. Went to New York [[strikethrough]] office of G.B. Co [[/strikethrough]] with [[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]]