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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] Dane Mfg Co [[/vertical annotation]] until better times warrant new arrangements. 
5/ [[strikethrough]] It is the opinion [[/strikethrough]] Mr. [[red underline]] Fuller [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[overwritten]] should [[/overwritten]] ^[[will]] be made [[/strikethrough]] should manage the plant and conduct the affairs of the Dane Molding Co. and not enter into any expenditures which have not first been submitted and approved to the board of directors of the General Bakelite Co. Such a budget for expenditures must be presented to the New York office of the General Bakelite Co. at least 40 days in advance. 
6/ It is [[strikethrough]] considered [[/strikethrough]] advisable [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] to dispense with the business management of Mr. Burroughs [[/red underline]] altho' an endeavour will be made to secure his cooperation and advice on molding problems or on [[strikethrough]] mat [[/strikethrough]] technical matters
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relating thereto. But designs of molds will in the future be made by the engineering staff of the [[red underline]] Dane Molding [[/red underline]] Co so as to enable it to obtain competing bids from several [[strikethrough]] toolmaking [[\strikethrough]] concerns [[strikethrough]] who make [[/strikethrough]] qualified to make molds. 
After this I made a little address in which I pointed out that barring [[red underline]] small departments as for instance grindstones, [[/red underline]] the filling of holes in aluminum castings, and the coating of terpentine cups, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] we had not developed any new channels or departments of the G.B. Co since its origin. That it was not enough to have an analytical mind and good executive [[/red underline]] abilities, that we must strive towards the further development of bakelite possibilities along new channels. That the