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to make any acceptable arrangement even at the [[strikethrough]] sus [[/strikethrough]] sacrifice of considerable money.
March 3. [[red underline]] Director's meeting [[/red underline]] of G. B. Co. Peters and Schleussner absent both ill.
Invited [[red underline]] Atkins [[/red underline]] ^[[-Yacht architect]] for lunch at Columbia U.C.  He will have my [[red underline]] drawings ready [[/red underline]] next week.
March 4. Went to office of G. B. Co to have an outspoken talk with [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] but he was not there, and had gone to Newark.
Had first a ^[[frank]] talk with Swan which confirmed me that [[red underline]] May had sidetracked Swan so as to increase his (May's) importance. [[/red underline]]
Then [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] arrived first examined whether his method of making of his office

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mostly a book keeping office where entries of sales were needlessly duplicated instead of him giving more [[strikethrough]] atten [[/strikethrough]] undivided attention to sales, and introductions etc. Also took up question of [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] and his claim to same in pay etc. 
  Told [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] frankly and unmistakably the way I saw the situation and how unwarranted the attitude of [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] [[overwritten]] was [[/overwritten]] seems to me, and his lack of judgement of bringing up this question at a time when business was at [[red underline]] the lowest ebb. [[/red underline]] The arguments I brought forward against the contention of [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] were aimed as [[red underline]] much against [[/red underline]] May.  Told May also that numerous times people [[red underline]] had complained [[/red underline]] of the unsatisfactory way they had been treated in