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Carbide Co matter when I met him at University Club for supper.
March 10. Met [[red underline]] Fuller [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] at 11 AM at Columbia University Club to talk over present situation of G. B. Co also to tell him that altho' the reasons [[red underline]] he and Rossi give for remaining [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] in Newark with the molding plant are good reasons they do [[/red underline]] not take into consideration the psychological factor. That with all the high [[red underline]] opinion I have about Fuller as an engineer, I do not think he has the experience and business abilities to be at the head of a business of the kind without the constant advice and assistance of somebody older [[/red underline]] and more experienced and that I should like to see him work [[red underline]] with the assistance [[/red underline]] of Rossi and that I also desire
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to [[red underline]] avoid scattering our attention in too many spots [[/red underline]] when I personally am already bothered so much with all these details.
He told me about [[red underline]] his faucet [[/red underline]] which he has invented during his work at our factory in Perth Amboy. 
Told him we will try it and [[red underline]] push it and if it proves [[/red underline]] right 
will try to find some way of [[red underline]] compensating him [[/red underline]] for his initiative by giving him a percentage in net profits of this faucet.
Took lunch at Chemists Club with [[red underline]] William Atkins [[/red underline]] and Fuller, then [[red underline]] Atkins submitted  blue prints of sails and rigging for the Ion. [[/red underline]] He has substantially adopted [[red underline]] almost identically [[/red underline]] the rigging and equipment which I suggested to him.
Evening went to University Club for supper.