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funeral service of Mr. Hasslacher in the Church of Lourdes.
Afterwards bought some hardware for Ion and on evening went to Chemists Club. 
[[strikethrough in margin]] March [[/strikethrough]]
[[red underline]] Tenth Anniversary of [[strikethrough]] the new [[/strikethrough]] our entrance in the new building. [[/red underline]] Several foreign chemists were made honorary members. Few of the younger members present, [[red underline]] mostly the older members. [[/red underline]] General good old spirit and good fellowship, many of our former ^[[old]] members [[strikethrough]] missing [[/strikethrough]] are missing from the ranks.
March 18. Here all day working on [[red underline]] tabernacle of Ion. [[/red underline]] 
[[a red exclamation point in left margin]] 
George Roll to office to study bookkeeping system. Yesterday told [[red underline]] Gothelf [[/red underline]] he should try to react [[red underline]] on dioxy-diphenylmethane with paraform or limited amounts [[/red underline]] of hexa to [[strikethrough]] obtain No [[/strikethrough]] see whether
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he obtains [[red underline]] Novolak [[/red underline]]. He should also react with [[red underline]] CH2Cl2 on dioxydiphenylmethane [[/red underline]] to obtain bakelite or Novolak  
Told him also to react with [[red underline]] hexamethylentetramin triphenol directly on cresyl or phenylphosphate, [[/red underline]] heating with a certain amount to drive off NH3 then add the remainder of the cresyl or [[red underline]] phenylphosphate [[/red underline]] preliminarily well cooled off sufficiently to master the reaction by its cooling effect. 
March 19. Dioxydiphenylethane + paraform [[red underline]] gives Novolak [[/red underline]] and the latter treated with more [[/red underline]] paraform or hexa gives bakelite. [[/red underline]] In the first reaction paraform can be replaced with hexa. This is the report of Gothelf about the experiments I ordered him to carry out.
March 20 (Sunday) Here all day