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rocks. Dropped anchor at New London in Green Harbor at 3:30 P.M. Perfect weather, very light winds. Good barometer altho' I guess it is rather warm ashore. Sent Lewis ashore to buy a new jaw for gaff of mizzen.
July 23. Beautiful weather. Spent all morning fixing new jaw to gaff and making a jury rudder to test the sails took in 128 gals of gasoline from gasoline boat. At 4 P.M. went out to try the sails. Light wind. At 7 P.M. anchored in Niantic Bay before Niantic village. We prepared Brazilian [[strikethrough]] chi [[/strikethrough]] boiled chicken & vegetable dinner This is an exception that we have a warm meal.

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The bay is rather exposed to Southern & So. Eastern winds 
But it then was no wind and this kept the boat unpleasantly rolling all night on account of the slow but steady ocean swells in the otherwise perfect smooth water
July 24 (Sunday) Left early, tried to up the sails but no wind 
At the end of the day anchored in harbor of refuge of Duck Island. Excellent shelter. Three or four motor boats around, and two or three shacks one of which sold fresh lobsters. Met the men of a glass cabin boat carrying the flag of Bayside Yacht Club
July 25. After some tinkering on running light boards. Left westward. Beautiful weather, light winds towards evening near Milford, had