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an opportunity for trying out sails in a little better breeze than usually.  Then dropt anchor at about 7 P.M. in Milford Bay behind Charles Island.  There is a beach and summer resort behind and a long strip of bar dry at low tide connecting with Charles Island.  One of the lobster fisherman tells me that he uses "mossbunkers" (menhaden) for bait in his lobster pots.  That the lobster season continues the whole year except when weather becomes too cold to prohibit working and that each lobsterman has to pay to the State of Connecticut 5 Dollars for a yearly license.  
[[left margin vertically]] Sent Lewis ashore to inquire about family by phone.  Nina says everything O.K. and everybody well.[[/left margin]]
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July 26.  Early fog which cleared rapidly after sunrise.  Went up the Housatonic River ^[[past Stratford]] at low tide; passed the 2 [[strikethrough]] railroad [[/strikethrough]] ^[[drawbridges]] and further beyond two Grassy Islands but as the water kept shoaling rapidly decided to return and proceeded Westward keeping near Northern Shore.  Before Stamford a squall and thunderstorm and dark skies ended a windless day which must have felt very hot ashore.  Ran across the Sound to anchor before Oyster Bay village.  Clouds cleared up and afterwards cooler weather and a bright sunset.
July 27. Clear bright weather but only the faintest breath of a wind not even enough to lift the flag.  Changed mainsail so as