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to hoist it as a square sail along the forestay by means of a swivel hook and shackle and using the foresail halyard. Running before the wind we managed nevertheless to sail without engine out of Oyster Bay Harbor past the Seawanhaka Yacht Club round the point and make steady progress about 2 or 3 knots per hour until we struck estuary tide
We then started motor and anchored at Cos Cob Marine Club. In the afternoon good breeze sprang up so we had chance to try this improvised square rig sail and it  worked very well in conjunction [[strikethrough]] or als [[/strikethrough]] with the mizzen or alone and we sailed across the Sound to Stamford
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Lighthouse in excellent style making about 5 knots per hour. Feel very pleased at this. Anchored over night at Cos Cob Harbor. Telephoned to Celine
She tells me everybody is well except she has a slight cold and that George Baekeland is coming to morrow on an unexpected business trip of which she cannot give me details over the phone.
July 28. Left our anchorage early and anchored North of City Island for painting the deck. Ratsey & [[Lapthorne?]] will alter my sails while we are at anchor. Again a very warm day. I am used to 90°F in my cabin in daytime and feel cool when at night the temperature drops below 75°F
Last night was the first night I slept with only my sheets