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over me altho' towards morning I needed my blanket.
July 29. Started painting the deck. Shortly afterwards showers and cloudy weather all day
[[strikethrough]] July 30. [[/strikethrough]]
Young Ratsey tells me he will alter my sails by Monday.
July 30. Hired a Ford to drive me to Yonkers while Lewis remains aboard to finish the varnishing. Arriving at "Snug Rock" I met our car with George Baekeland driving and Celine and Cornelia in. Celine tells me she is going to New York so I accompany her there. Went to see Townsend. He tells me Judge Chatfield has promised to file his decision Monday or Tuesday. This puts an end on a long period.
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suspense which has kept me in the "doldrums" for [[red underline]] over two [[/red underline]] years and has had a very bad influence over me to the point of making me hate the whole Bakelite enterprise. I feel very happy altho' probably there is much further litigation in sight as the pirates and infringers will undoubtedly use any subterfuge and delay and tactics the law allows them. But this does not matter. The main thing is that we are no longer held up by lack of a decision. Long ago we had come to the conclusion that we sooner would take an adverse decision than to be in this agony of no decision.
Celine went with me to Delmonico's for lunch and I felt very happy. Afternoon we returned to Yonkers, where