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in each case lost on the ruling of the court that their inventions were foreseen and explained in my broader patents etc and that therefore there was no invention. 
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This made their clumsy patent lawyer hate me and my patents so much the more. I always told them "Wait until we have a decision." I have no doubt that even now they will feel disappointed that the decision should be in my favor. It is a well known fact that the [[red underline]] public [[/red underline]] at large is always siding with the infringers -- the pirates and seems to bear a grudge [[red underline]] against the inventor [[/red underline]] because he has a limited monopoly of 17 years and Heaven knows how "limited" this ownership of his own intellectual property is and how insecure
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the title is, and how much money and labor it costs when trying to enforce it.
Even now this decision is only the [[red underline]] beginning of further [[/red underline]] struggles and [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] I know that I never shall be able to collect even a portion of the damages to which I am entitled by law. The pirates will use every subterfuge our absurd patent system and the court allow them so abundantly.  Nevertheless the [[red underline]] moral effect [[/red underline]] will have some use for warding off [[strikethrough]] too [[/strikethrough]] many would be infringers  
Got copy [[strikethrough]] this afternoon [[/strikethrough]] of decision this afternoon and spent remainder of the day reading it.
Aug 3. George drove me to New York in Rain. Went to Chemists Club