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also to office, then to City Island but it rained so much that Lewis did not hear me when hailing the Ion.
[[strikethrough]] Aug 4. [[/strikethrough]] 
Sails altered by Ratsey taken home. Rather clumsy job.
Aug 4. Fine weather. George drove me to New York, Went to office etc. [[strikethrough]] also so [[/strikethrough]] then after lunch to City Island where got aboard Ion and took her to Spuyten Duivel where arrived about seven P.M. The family came to fetch me in motor car
Aug 5. Went to New York office laid plans for sending [[red underline]] copies of decision [[/red underline]] to our customers etc. Then to University Club where took supper. Reyndsen asks me about a new plastic obtained from Kelp by a chemist called
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Loomis. Advised him that if the man was honest, trustworthy and competent, the only way was to patiently develop it on a small scale first and try then the possibilities and make the compensation of the chemist depend upon the success and in the mean time treat him decently.
Aug 6. Home all day writing further on my address. Cloudy weather
Aug 7 (Sunday) Here all day.
Aug 8. Went to New York. First met [[red underline]] Dr. McKee [[/red underline]] who tells me about [[strikethrough]] opposition [[/strikethrough ^[[attitude]] of Dr Frens representing department of Chemistry [[strikethrough]] as to [[/strikethrough]] which wants to use part of new building for undergraduate work [[red underline]] contrary [[/red underline]] to express opinion of President Butler and special committee. Told him he is right in his attitude.
Money and buildings should not be [[strikethrough]] spent [[/strikethrough]] used for under-