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Aug 11. Meeting with Kirk Brown at Chemists Club. Told him his form of voting trust would not do according to N.Y. Corporation law which limits such v.t. to five years, but that I was not adverse to some arrangement whereby minority interests would not be at the mercy of majority interests. 
That there were several ways of effecting a consolidation.
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1/ simply make new company to issue new stock for the stock tendered by both companies, after the ratio of value of stock of each company had been agreed upon. As this would probably require the consent of every stock holder we might be hampered by unwillingness of one single stockholder. In this arrangement both companies would cease to exist and a new
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company would become holder of all assets, patents etc.
2/ The [[black underline]] controlling [[/black underline]] interest of each company would be purchased by a holding company and the two companies would continue to exist as heretofore each with special set of directors etc.
[[strikethrough]] 3/ [[/strikethrough]]
Such an arrangement would make us independent of unwillingness of single minority stockholders and would be beneficial in not disturbing immediately the present organization except as to sales and general management. Furthermore it would be easier to maintain our claim as to our trademarks indicating source of origin instead of designating a patent product. Condensite and bakelite being identical and being merely names to designate Condensation products manu-