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and help along when my assistance is indispensable  That I have [[red underline]] come to the conclu that our present management [[/red underline]] is not good as far as the selling or introduction end is concerned. That [[red underline]] May has profoundly disappointed [[/red underline]] me and has shown that honest and straightforward as [[vertical annotation in red in left margin]] May [[/left margin]] he is, he lacks tact, judgement method and knowledge and what happened of late specially with Dane Co that he is dangerous. for the future of the Company That it is not good to have a [[strikethrough]] mana [[/strikethrough]] general manager who is not at the same time an important stockholder  That neither my son nor my son in law have the tendencies nor the qualifications for doing the work I am doing now.  That the
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best man we have now is Rossi, but that we need him and his full attention for the [[red underline]] manufacturing problems [[/red underline]]  That in any change we make I shall try to [[red underline]] enable Rossi to purchase an interest in the company [[/red underline]] and may propose to do the same for some of our employes who have done best work.  [[strikethrough]] In the [[/strikethrough]] At present as in the past this was impossible because if I sold even a small fraction of my stock I would lose the control of the bakelite Company but in a reorganization all this became possible  I told him also that I [[red underline]] saw no objection if one of his sons [[/red underline]] perhaps two were in the management of the company provided they had the necessary qualifications.  That however too many sons, might bring