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hair much faster than I did at his age.
Went as far as "Stormking" then returned in time to anchor before Y.C.Y.C. before dark 
Aug 14. Left at 8:15 A.M. for lower Bay. Beautiful weather. Westerly winds. Put up sail on lower bay, then went out in ocean 
Before dark anchored in Horseshoe behind Sandy Hook. Quiet night good shelter
Aug 16. [[strikethrough]] Went [[/strikethrough]] Good westerly breeze in afternoon went out sailing in Ocean. New lug rig sail seems to work well. Back at anchor before night Sandy Hook.
Aug 16. Went out again in Ocean 
Moderate breeze. Then again at anchor behind Sandy Hook over night
Aug 17. Breeze a little better but not exceeding a light breeze. Sailed from bell buoy
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entrance near [[red underline]] Shrewsbury [[/red underline]] to Perth Amboy anchorage in faint breeze which occasionally became strong enough to keep sails inflated. Wind was abeam and tide against us. Used mainsail as fore and aft sail with gaff and mizzen and jib (staysail). Was able to steer quite well, when there is enough wind showing that rudder is [[strikethrough]] bein [[/strikethrough]] big enough. [[strikethrough]] Course could [[/strikethrough]] Course could easily be set by setting mizzen correctly. Afterwards wind diminished then pouring rain by time we arrived at anchorage in Perth Amboy. Our course was about 16 nautical miles. Made an average of 3 to 4 knots [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] an hour notwithstanding light winds
Aug 18. Went ashore early leaving Lewis behind with program for work to be done