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[[red underline]] Marquis [[/red underline]] de Tarjani one of [[red underline]] George's [[/red underline]] fellow officer aviators in Italy was here for lunch. Also the Rolls. de Tarjani speaks excellent English and makes excellent impression. Modest and well informed. Is now at General Electric Co in Schenectady. Tells me he is engaged to the daughter of my friend [[red underline]] Oudin [[/red underline]] 
George left at 6 PM train
Little Dicky-Duck remains here in care of her Grand mother 
Aug 29. Went to New York. Evening supper at University Club.
Aug 30. Warm sultry weather 
Spent afternoon on Ion supervising some work
Aug 31. Another sultry day
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Left for NY after lunch to meet [[red underline]] May & Swan. [[/red underline]] Had a long talk with them, about present conditions and outlook. Told them that half yearly financial report was far from rosy and that our [[red underline]] general expenses [[/red underline]] were disproportionate to the business 
That however I sooner would see the expenses maintained provided [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] handled the office force to better use. It was not so much the question of saving money as to [[red underline]] utilize [[/red underline]] our men properly. If not we should be compelled to shut down the office force. Told him not to renew the lease of our office which expires next year. Also criticized sharply their [[red underline]] insipid and characterless [[/red underline]]