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boresome affair.  [[red underline]] General Fries looks like H.A Metz and talks like him - no wonder the [[strikethrough]] Ameri [[/strikethrough]] Chemical Warfare division is not very brilliant Lunched at University Club, with Richard Seligman of England as guest
Sept 9. Director's meeting of General Bakelite Co. Peters and Hamman absent. The former still ill, the latter in Europe. Short meeting. Last month another very poor showing of sales. Got another irritating letter from Beams and answered him accordingly
Afternoon went to
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Chemists Club for garden party at [[red underline]] Mrs. Elon Hooker [[/red underline]] in Greenwich Some excitement of the ladies as there were not enough automobiles Ordered 7 [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] at 24$ each to help them out I left with last car. In driving home another break down of the car. Same careless unreliable Lewis.  Took the Kendals along for supper at Snug Rock
Sept 10. Returned to New York to pack our trunks and return home Feel very tired and nervous.
Sept 11 (Sunday) Somewhat rested but feel very nervous and disgusted