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with everything. I wish I could crawl away from it all but more troubles ahead in Bakelite Co [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] etc. etc.
Sept 12. Went to N.Y delivered 1000 shares Chile Copper to Goodbody & Co  500 were already sold. Drew check for $3000 on account which deposited in my bank to help pay my income taxes.
Then met Barus to discuss awkward situation of our patent case since the Judge has become ill.  Told Barus I do not expect a single cent for damages and therefore any money spent with this purpose is simply thrown away.
Feel much depressed
Sept 13. Went to see chemical Exhibition in [[strikethrough]] Aril [[/strikethrough]] Artillery
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Armory (Jerome Ave). Very impressive by its size and number of exhibitors. Took me over one hour brisk walking to pass all the booths.
Met Dr. Palmer (former Professor of chemistry of University of [[strikethrough]] Colordo [[/strikethrough]] Colorado). he tells me is no longer connected with Mellon Institute but has started forming research on derivates of petroleum and natural gas and amongst many products he has obtained acetaldehyde and formaldehyde in qualitative amounts and now wants to pursue his [[strikethrough]] sah [[/strikethrough]] experiments further on a business consideration
Told him I am not interested in any new commercial development, on the contrary wish to retire even from [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] my own private business matters, etc. etc. but referred him to