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Sept. 18 (Sunday) This morning there is a strong breeze. Went out with sail outside the Bay but had to be cautious on account of disabled dynamo. After awhile breeze developed into a [[strikethrough]] gale [[/strikethrough]] Westerly Gale. Downed sails in a hurry and went under power to Perth Amboy anchorage. Told Lewis to examine engine he reports stud of pump eccentrics badly worn. So tomorrow will be a day of repairs and probably day after.
Sept. 19 Gave parts to repair to Peters machine shop.
Spent all day in conference with Rossi. Report of Maywald on vulcanizing accelerator of Schrimpe is now complete. Advantages over hexamethylenetetretramine are rather limited if any. Rossi and I agree that it would be best
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to submit the whole matter as it stands now to Perth Amboy Chemical Company so that they may decide whether the whole thing is of any practical value to them and come to some agreement with them in which Schrimpe also gets a compensation 
I submitted the matter to Schrimpe in presence of Rossi and he fully agrees with this plan.
Explained to Rossi my theories and observations about non darkening transparent C made from hexatriphenol or cresol and my theory about the cracks and how to prevent them. 
Told him to start again a line of action which we tried sometime ago without sufficiently good results namely converting into B or C so as to expel most NH3 then press in hydraulic press at high temperature and in order to increase thermo-plasticity and enough of a suitable