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man or business matters (this man is [[red underline]] Beams [[/red underline]]  That if Mr. Terry could suggest any acceptable way in the present dilemma which would avoid trouble with G. E. Co and please Westinghouse I would feel very thankful to Mr. Terry because this whole matter worries me beyond description. That perhaps instead of 
unnecessarily raising difficulties a trade agreement could be reached with G. E. Co which would simplify the whole situation. [[red underline]] Terry [[/red underline]] answered that at present they were trying to reach such an agreement. Later in the afternoon came
to call [[strikethrough]] by appointment] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Rossi or Swan?]] to complain [[strikethrough]] discretly by [[/strikethrough]] about present condition of affairs

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in office due to absolute [[red underline]] inaction of May [[/red underline]] which prevented any improvement to utilize the men under him.  That May had struck an attitude of stubborn indolence etc.  Told him I was planning some changes which would not be a mere patchwork but a radical reorganization and that I was compelled to wait in patience for a while longer. On returning on board Ion Lewis still busy trying to get out stud of pump.
Sept 20. Lewis early at work trying to remove defective parts. Finally with help of Peters got out everything.  Peters promises to finish everything by tomorrow. Spent all day at factory.
Sept 21.  South Easterly blowing all day and showers. Boat kept rolling all day and