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and softened clutch springs
Sept 27. Went to Ion. Jones wants $115 and $130 for No. 6 cotton duck cover. Moore only wants $85 for same thickness square cover 56' x 29'. provided with Grommets every 4'.
Lewis by to night has clutch back. Floyd thinks we shall have further trouble. Lewis thinks otherwise. I believe the latter is right provided he pays sufficient attention to clutch.
Sept 28. Went to Columbia about noon. to meet McKee and a student Ferguson who applies for the Bakelite Research fellowship. Is a graduate of Michigan etc after a short interrogatory by which I found out that he did not even 
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remember how amidobezol is prepared (altho' he claimed he had made it) I concluded that he is not qualified Prof. Jacques Cavalier rector for the University of Toulouse, France, who is [[strikethrough]] one of [[/strikethrough]] the French Government Exchange Professor does not speak nor understand a word of English! How the French Government came to make such a selection is beyond my knowledge. Opening ceremony of Columbia Butler made an address on conditions in Europe telling America is morally compelled to participate in reconstruction work there and cannot keep aloof
Prof Thorndike made an address on psychological examination