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few miles of Barnegat at Inlet but it would be folly to try to make this inlet for a stranger specially when such a heavy sea is running. [[strikethrough]] Our [[/strikethrough]] Ion keeps very dry except bow cabin windows which let water spurt through sides whenever a heavy sea breaks. My intention is to keep up as long as possible chance of getting in Little Egg Harbor before dark, and if not possible to run before the wind with engine and jib so as to make Sandy Hook before night. But now I find out that Lewis has forgotten to reeve the [[strikethrough]] halya [[/strikethrough]] forestay sail halyard to its block, and it is out of the question to 
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try to climb the mast in such a weather. Wind blows like fury. So decided to return. We are making 11 knots running before the wind reached Sandy Hook about 2 P.M and then proceeded [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] by [[wide?]] route making Raritan River by 4:25 P.M. and anchoring at about 6 P.M a few miles before New Brunswick 
When passing Sandy Hook found storm-warning flags up. Why did they wait so long? Why not in the morning. Calm anchorage, quiet night after a very strenuous day
[[black underline]] Oct 11. [[/black underline]] Beautiful calm weather What a difference withe yesterday Rather cold in cabin 55° F But after starting kerosene stove rose to 70°. Left at 9:20 AM. for New Brunswick [[strikethrough]] Same [[/strikethrough]] Pasͩ 
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Had to pay $24.26 for canal tolls! 
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