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tied up overnight along side a sand-scow; Locks are not operated on Sunday
Oct 24. Up early. Another very beautiful day Altho' at 6:00 AM the air was 34°F it soon warmed up and kept about 60-65° all day.  
[[double vertical red lines in left margin next to following sentence]] 
Very few delays on canal this time. Engine ran perfect and we locked out New Brunswick Lock shortly before 3:00 P.M. a very short run. Then another ^[[hour's]] run thru Raritan River and we were at anchor before [[red underline]] Perth Amboy [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] shortly before [[/strikethrough]] about 4:00 P.M.
Oct 25. Went to factory at 8 A.M. discussed pending matters with Rossi and others, orders small. This months sales
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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]]
ION Perth Amboy [[/vertical annotation]]
only about 100,000, with no improvement in sight. Schrimpe has succeeded in reducing 50% trouble of surface carbonization by arcing of Bakelite Micartha. Returned afternoon in a gale [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] NE which kept increasing all the time and wetted us considerably in last stretch on the Hudson. Arrived [[red underline]] Spuyten Duivel [[/red underline]] at 2:30 P.M but in trying to come to our mooring had slight trouble with reverse so had to anchor for awhile. Wind was so strong that the men of Reliance Co had to help us to fasten to our moorings.
At 6 P.M. Lewis came to fetch me with motor car. [[red underline]] This ends the last [[/red underline]] cruise of the season. Temperature 55°F
Oct 26. At home all day straightening out [[strikethrough]] corresponde [[/strikethrough]] mail.