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Oct 27. Here all day. Evening went with Celine to Reception at President Butler's residence.
Oct 28. At 2:10 P.M meeting of Faculty of Applied Science then to meeting of Institute of International Education.
In morning went to see Hamman to ask whether there is any objections for going ahead and let Hays draw up papers for consolidaton.  He says he is entirely in favor so I went to see Hays. Lewis on boat gathering things for winter storage
Oct 29. Spent all day on board Ion making photographs of interior.
Oct 30. (Sunday) Home all day reading.
Oct 31. All day here. Evening drove Celine to the Kendals

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for supper while I went to University Club then to Columbia to hear Professor Cavalier's lecture on French Universitys.  On meeting Celine at the Kednals met an Englishman McPherson who gave me a sample of Cereal soap
Nov 1. Mr [[red underline]] Sam T. Peters [[/red underline]] has died during my absence.  called up Hamman and Williams suggesting Townsend as director. They both agree heartily
Nov 2. All morning writing letters. Afternoon on boat putting her out of commission and making some photos of cabin.
Nov. 3 Director's meeting. Townsend elected and present. All others there. May alone seems very nervous and unpleasant