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over and let me know in about a week and take a vacation until then.
Told him to try a mixture of formaldehyde and acelaldehyde in the production of transparent goods as I hoped we may thus succeed in making permanent color material which does not contain too large an excess of NH3.
Dec. 3. Here all morning. Afternoon went to Ion with Lewis to remove storage battery and examine [[strikethrough]] tarpa [[/strikethrough]] the duck cover.
Dec. 4.-(Sunday). Here all day. It snows. The Zeeryps and the young Livermore's here to meet the Rolls.
Dec. 5. Wrote a very long letter to George explaining him [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] in a friendly fatherly my views about the present situation
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[[annotation in top margin in red]] George [[/annotation]]
and his intended plans for moving to Europe [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[or]] Africa. Celine rewrote it on the typewriter
Mrs. Middlebrook here for lunch.
Dec. 6. Spent all day calculating income taxes and similar stuff. What a complication since this unnecessarily complicated income tax was devised by those stupid politicians! I do not mind paying the income tax. The country needs it but I mind the absurd system of computing it.
Karpen wired last night from Chicago suggesting Thursday after lunch for other meeting.
Called up Townsend Hays and Schleussner to notify them then sent telegram to Karpen accepting the date.
Rossi came here for supper and stayed over night.