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[[annotation in top margin in red]] Merger [[/annotation]]
As I consider both Goldsmith and Hays sensible and practical minds with a fair and open mind. I suggest we should let them discuss the matter among themselves alone, and I suggest also we should give approximately our [[strikethrough]] assets [[/strikethrough]] tangible assets and our books gain and loss over six last years. Schleussner and Hays independently had reached last night the same conclusion 
To my astonishment Karpen refused to disclose earnings of Redmanol on advice of counsel because he feared that if we sue them for patent damages this would prove of a great help to him. I told
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[[annotation in top margin in red]] merger [[/annotation]]
him that if we had to [[striketrhough]] we [[/strikethrough]] ^[[fight]] him further we knew of better and quicker ways than to call for an accounting of the Redmanol Co. But that we did not care to push the matter of revealing our financial condition. That we only wanted to do this to eliminate unnecessary speculations as to our relative positions and take away the element of gamble and chance in any of the present negociations and therefore withdrew my suggestion. They answered they had no objection as to value of assets of the 3 companies and furthermore were willing to give earnings of Condensite. Finally we