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[[annotation in red in top margin]] Merger [[/annotation]]
us get shifted back until we all reach within the 75% limit Schleussner also asks that in no case our good will evaluation should drop below 60% of [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] the total. To which Goldsmith objects but is willing to insure 55%. After some deliberation we agree also accepting the $75000 cash compensation with the understanding that the latter will be paid so as not to cause unnecessary personal income taxes. How to do this will have to be determined by our lawyers
After some further wrangling about details we went outside (Hays, Schleussner and myself) decided to accept leaving 1916 out
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[[annotation in red in top margin]] Merger [[/annotation]]
and putting 1921, indemnity of $75000 and garantee that we shall not have less than 55% [[strikethrough]] of the quota [[/strikethrough]] as our ratio in the good will, limiting good will however to 75% of assets.
Then Kirk [[red underline]] Brown [[/red underline]] to my astonishment raised the question that his company should participate in the $75000 
This eleventh hour suggestion after we had made so many concessions rather disgusted me and I told him so told him I was rather tired and would not take the trouble of giving him my many reasons and arguments why he was not entitled to this and expressing my strong disappointment at his actions