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[[annotation in top margin in red]] Merger [[/annotation]]
at 11 P.M. Celine still awake 
Told her the news that "the [[red underline]] war was [[/red underline]] over".
[[black underline]] Sunday, December 11. [[/black underline]] Here all day putting my accounts in shape. Told to George Roll that there may be an opening for him as my assistant as president of new company. But that he should not build too strong hopes on it as my intentions may not be possible in case I perceive any opposition from any part of my fellow directors. In fact that I may conclude to withdraw entirely if any faction develops any where as I do not care to do anything where I have not the cheerful and entire support of everybody. That the most comfortable thing for me to do would be to sell out my holdings and
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[[annotation in top margin in red]] Merger [[/annotation]]
get out and thus become entirely out of any business worries and free to devote my time to anything I pleased to do without having to attend director's meetings or conferences.
[[black underline]] Dec. 12. [[/black underline]] Met Hays at 11 A.M in R&H office and discussed with him several aspects of pending contract. Then the others came in about 1 P.M. While our lawyers were discussing details, I discussed future business plans with the Chicago group and Kirk Brown. Kirk Brown says he believes Westinghouse and [[red underline]] Continental [[/red underline]] would be willing to enter into contract with us to purchase their good from now until 5 years after expiration of patents if we were willing to give then exclusive license for [[strikethrough]] coud [[/strikethrough]] composite cardbard. He seems so certain about this that I wonder in how
[[vertical annotation in left margin]] See following pages [[/vertical annotation]]