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[[annotation in top margin in red]] Merger [[/annotation]]
whom I could not freely initiate into the affairs of the company and I feel this is not possible except with a large stockholder or a man in whom I could have implicit confidence, hence my suggestion of George Roll. [[strikethrough]] They sus [[/strikethrough]] I told them I would gladly pay his salary myself. To this they protested. Then I told them to make salary as low as possible. They propose $6000 which is 1/2 of salary proposed for Sanford Brown. I propose $5000. finally we agree on $5500. Schleussner then proposed a reduced list for salaries omitting Karpen's $5000. But allowing Redman and Berlitzheimer a minimum of 11000 each. Wyeth and Brock $6000 minimum, Kirk Brown 11000 Sanford Brown 10000, while we
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[[annotation in top margin in red]] salary [[/annotation]]
submit only two. Rossi $11000 and Swan $8000, all other salaries for other employes will have to be fixed according to next or existing contracts.
Arriving home found George and Cornelia with [[red underline]] their little boy, [[/red underline]] healthy and cheerful.
Dec 23. At 10 A.M at R&H office [[red underline]] signed [[/red underline]] [[overwritten]] and [[/overwritten]] the contracts and finished everything. Telephoned to Williams then to Kent but they were out of their office.
Advised Townsend and later on in Evening telephoned to Rossi that everything was signed but should keep it quiet
Dec. 24. Here all day. Afternoon Swan came here, told him about merger, must keep quiet. Talked over situation. Told him to have taken care of his interests. Must