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Jan 22. 1922 (Sunday) Stayed home till 5 P.M then went to occupy a room at University Club where took supper.
Jan 23. Meeting with Karpen and George Roll at 10 A.M in R&H office. Then later Rossi Joined us. Am disappointed to hear Karpen recommend Berlitzheimer as head of Sales Committee. Either Karpen does not have as broad judgement as I give him credit for or he is moved by the petty consideration of putting one of his own men forward regardless of his lack of qualifications. Discussed other plans with him [[strikethrough[[ which [[/strikethrough]] where we seem to agree. Afternoon Karpen had meeting with Schleussner, Roll, Rossi & Bertlizheimer at DeMuth's so as to discuss sales policy Then later all met except
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[[bracketed annotation in left margin relating to the next 3 sentences]] This took place on Jan 24 [[/annotation]]
DeMuth at R&H to discuss prices etc. at which I joined later. I feel rather distressed at attitude of Karpen in regard to Berlizheimer. This shall not be as he wants.
Evening supper at University Club [[strikethrough]] with [[strikethrough]] as guests of Professor Chandler with Pupin and Whitaker and three members of committee on admissions. A very pleasant supper and dear old Chandler at his best.
Jan 24. Went to buy shoes and suit of clothes. Afternoon 2 P.M meeting at R&H reported on Jan 23 
Feel very uninterested in this subject of sales.
After we are thru Kirk Brown and Karpen took me aside to read me a letter of a certain Mr. Crane representing a Boston Party of "financial