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afternoon. At 5:30 PM Schleussner came to see me at University Club to talk over policy of our company. He prefers I should not be present at meeting to morrow morning with Karpen etc. and agrees with me in that respect. Advised him to find out their inclinations and intentions and decide in how far they correspond or conflict with ours but to postpone discussing them to the finish or to a decision till new company is formed and after we have accepted rules we can apply in case of necessity 
Our purpose always being to conduct the company with the interest of every stockholder in view and not to tolerate anything which looks more
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Capt. Barker. U.SN. cut his throat in the University Club. Lost in succession Bain Roser, and Hepburn two of his best friends Melancholia overpowered this splendid man. [[/annotation in left margin]]
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to the interest of one single person Schleussner entirely agrees with me on this
Jan 31. Funeral Service of Baskerville. Sad very sad an impressive gathering of his [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] numerous and distinguished friends at church. Had considerable trouble to control myself and tried to hide my tears. 
I saw Celine two rows ahead of me with Nina and Mrs. Morris Loeb. Celine intends to go to morrow to Mrs. Baskerville. I know she will do good there 
Drove back with Hendrick, told him Baskerville's friends should come together, make a committee and direct his affairs in the interests of his family. I am ready to do my part.
Feb 1. Went with Celine to lunch