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at Delmonico's then together to a play Dulce. Then to Mrs. Baskerville where we met her with her children. She explained her financial affairs which unfortunately are not in a satisfactory condition. She is leaving for the burial. In mean time I shall try to do what I can to determine what should be done 
In the morning Frank Hemmingway and MacDavitt had already met me at University Club to explain situation of his oil company.
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Insert Feb. 2. Meeting of G.B.Co. Williams has a cold. George Roll late to my irritation. Evening met Dr. W.H. Nichols at his apartments promises to help me in my efforts for Baskerville [[/annotation in left margin]]
Feb. 3. Went to interview Prof. Herbert Moody. Reston Stephenson, Pearce (librarian at the C.C. NY) Liebgold, secretary to Baskerville and Coates. All assure me of their entire readiness to help me in behalf of Baskerville 
Thus far Oil process alone
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seems to hold out some promise and Coates knows the technology and practice thereof, and makes a very good impression on me.
Afternoon went to meet Mr. Kiddle who was Baskerville's attorney for lead coating process. He says Mr. Wales knows all about it. Telephoned to Wales but he is ill in bed with a cold.
Received cable from ^[[black underline]] [[Count]] [[/black underline]] Lavalette announcing formation of French Bakelite Co and sends greetings. Went to Theatre, "The Circle" [[/strikethrough]] no Feb 4. [[/strikethrough]] Dormand Co also announce that they acquired British Rights from Bakelite Gesellschaft. 
Feb 4. Tried in vain to get in communication with Metz ^[[in relation to Baskerville affairs]] and lost all morning at it. Feel very tired and depressed. Evening went to Century Club monthly meeting with Bridges.