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Seabury also tells me that composite card board patent has received importance on account of phenomenal developments now going on in commercializing wires telephone, hence the rivalry of General Electric and Westinghouse for control in Radio-telephone companies.
Rossi announces that error against us in income tax for 1920 is probably [[strikethrough]] 500 [[/strikethrough]] nearer $50000 than $25000. 
[[arrow points to annotation in left margin]] Read page 92 [[/annotation in left margin]]
Called up Hamman to acquaint him with all this but he was gone so phoned to Hays who knew about the tax-matter but not about Radio-telephone.
Feb 7. Went to office of Hemingway where met Miss Levy who gave me information about status of Baskerville
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Power Co and its stockholder 
There are none who paid for stock beyond H.B Metz $10000 and 5 shares to Takamine 
Afterwards met McDavitt and Kay who have handled the contracts of Baskerville and his licenses. They have notified Brown Baskerville Co that their contract had terminated on account of non fulfillment of contract. Yesterday I met Bradley [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] at his office, who is the intermediary between Brown-Baskerville Co and licensees. He told me also that process [[strikethrough]] feel [[/strikethrough]] got black eye at Rochester because Brown did not attend to his business. Hemingway recommended that Baskerville process should be [[strikethrough]] left in the hands [[/strikethrough]] taken out of