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20% of total oil.
7/ Brown says he charged same engineering fees for equipping Baskerville process as he does for any other process but that Baskerville is to receive 50 cents per ton of oil refined, this money to be paid directly to him.
8/ [[strikethrough]] He in [[/strikethrough]] Baskerville [[strikethrough]] first [[/strikethrough]] got his process in a Company in Maine managed by Arthur c. Eaton where [[strikethrough]] coliver [[/strikethrough]] codliver oil was refined and Eaton threw the process out as unpractical. Later on the Company shut up and Eaton was engaged by Baskerville for introducing his process elsewhere but did not succeed. Brown introduced the process in a Brewery in Kingston where it is run at present
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by Mr. Durkee. On the success obtained by the latter other companies took it up, and a Mr. Cairns of England of the Anglo American Brewery Co. took it up for the Bartholomew Brewery Co [[strikethrough]] one o [[/strikethrough]] in Rochester, one of their string of breweries which had gone over to Oil Refining since the Volstead Act. If it proved a success there all the other breweries belonging to that group would do likewise. Mr. Eaton was engaged to [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] ^[[supervise]] the work but on account of lack of attention things went wrong and he and S.B. Forster General Manager and President of Bartholomew Brewing Co tried to shift their failure by throwing reproaches on Brown. Brown says they