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is merely a stock saving scheme and I am not favorably impressed by his personality. Looks much as if they were using the Baskerville Process as a pretext to sell stock. They have sold their fair $200000 he says, and have paid $100000 for acquiring property. They now have several stock selling men who are trying to place $100000 All this looks suspicious.
Feb. 25. Went again to Motor Boat Show.
Feb 26 (Sunday) Had invited Mrs. Baskerville and her son to come here to submit my conclusions. But her daughter is in bed with tonsilitis so Charles came alone. Explained him situation as I see it, expressing myself freely [[strikethrough]] and confidentio [[/strikethrough]] but confi-
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dentially about personality of different men. Told him I did not trust Layton and his group. Advised not to renew contract with Brown, but certainly not to extend it to Layton and if any one insists tell them politely to first show results. [[strikethrough]] As [[/strikethrough]] I shall go to Nichols and try to obtain his endorsement in Corn Products Co. Told him Lead-coating process is undeveloped but National Lead Co promised me earnest investigation [[As?]] to oil, even under the best conditions it is doubtful whether any royalties will be available before at least a year to come. Charles however says he has $4000 orders besides his $1800 job at the college