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still counted as 25 cents American. 
March 23. Went sailing in ketch I had hired. Two men handled the boat. Favorite construction of boats here is double enders with trunk cabin in forepart and roomy cockpit aft. [[sketch of boat from above]] gunwales rather high in forepart of cockpit sloping down aft. Most sails here are loose footed leg-o-mutton sails with one halyard for thrust and [[strikethrough]] foot [[/strikethrough]] loose foot of sail very baggy hanging way below boom. Pilot boat has boomless sails and sheet is fastened to clew at the clew, then line is wove thru a block fastened on gunwale then back to cringle of reef line, then back again 
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thus distributing strain on clew
[[sketch - rigging of sail with blocks labelled]]
Sloops or schooners which have no leg-o-mutton sail have gaff sails but gaffs are very long so as to increase area of sail and sail is almost square. Gaff being as long as the boom.  
[[underline]] April 24. [[/underline]] To day am returning to New York by SS Munargo of Munson Line.  Had to be transferred from the wharf

Transcription Notes:
(ship name and line verified)