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by lighter, the Munargo having too much draft to enter over the bar. Singing negro waiters and then lassies ^[[lassies]]. Finally we leave about 4 P.M. I have an excellent cabin to myself on upper deck for which I payed $84. Excellent steamer, oil burning, clean, good service and good meals.  Am rather disgusted to find that one of my 3 valises is missing.  It contains my journal gold pieces, silver flask, glasses, collars, panama hat etc. Wrote a letter to manager of hotel, also send him a wireless.  
March 25. Very calm weather and mild temperature.
March 26 (Sunday) Ditto.  Water as sooth as a pond. 
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Bar of boat has thriving business and martini cocktails today figure on the menu for dinner. Frederic Coudut and his wife aboard also Dr. Platt the psychologist and had interesting conversations Haliburton Fales, and the Trelins also entertaining traveling companions. 
March 27. Arrived at quarantine about [[strikethrough]] 2 P. [[/strikethrough]] 2 A.M. Up early for simple formality of medical inspection. Then rather easy custom house inspection on arrival. Got there at 9:30 A.M. but Lewis was not there with car. He and George Roll having missed me. I drove to N.Y Central Station then took train home in time for