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Read belated mail. Inventory not yet finished but a meeting will be held to morrow. Weather cloudy and sultry and unpleasant far different from that beautiful climate I just left. 
March 28. Went to see Hays with George Roll and Rossi They now have proof that [[red underline]] Kirk Brown has falsified [[/red underline]] his returns as to royalties. This afternoon we have a meeting [[strikeout]] and Hays [[/strikeout]] where further details of inventory will be discussed and then Hays will ask the questions. 
Orders for March have much increased are already $150000 specially on account of spectacular development 
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[[in red]] Merger [[?]] [[/in red]]
of Radio-phone. Factory running full capacity in every department except transparent
Afternoon we all met at R&H. office. Present Rossi, Hays, George Roll Kirk Brown his son Sanford Brown and Griffith representing [[strikeout]] cls [[/strikeout]] Montgomery & Co. chartered accountants. In beginning discussion goes over adjustment of details of items in inventory. Accountants have overlooked some items in our equipment, then we are confronted with a list of items of [[red underline]] Kirk Brown amounting to 1 cent (!)[[/red underline]] 2 cents ! 5 cents etc. He also wants credit for money spent [[strikeout]] out [[/strikeout]] on patents and books and photographs and similar absurd claims.