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[[in red]] Merger accounting [[/in red]]
Brown and that he had had trouble with every one of his stockholders.
March 29. Remained home examining all contracts and patents and licenses [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] which all confirm my attitude that Brown is wrong. 
March 30. Hays, George Roll Townsend and myself all at Townsend's office Hay says Brown telephoned to him that he (Brown) was mistaken about the existence of that so called hexa contract and now starts another misleading and incorrect argument accusing us that we helped Westinghouse infringe his benzol claim by [[strikethrough]] allo [[/strikethrough]] furnishing Westinghouse with Varnish which Westinghouse
[[left margin in red]] Kirk Brown [[/left margin]] 
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[[preprinted]] 15 [[/preprinted]]
[[in red]] Merger accounting [[/in red]]
afterwards added benzol. On the contrary we have notified Westinghouse immediately not to use benzol even before signing the contract and this matter can easily be established by our correspondence. Furthermore I am told that Kirk Brown made a dicker with Westinghouse allowing the latter the use of benzol. I wonder what was the consideration he got in return from them? Then he tries to explain the discrepency in his reports by stating he did not [[strikethrough]] cat [[/strikethrough]] count in the hexa but only the resin. But this cannot account for such large differences which amount to 40%! 
[[left margin in red]] Kirk Brown [[/left margin]]