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[[annotation in top margin in red]] Merger accounting [[/annotation]]
[[red underline]] Brown [[/red underline]] is in his office all morning and is cooking new explanations how he came to report below actual figures.
April 1, 1922. Papers announce total destruction of Colonial Hotel in Nassau by fire. This gives me little hope to ever get my belongings back. Went for lunch at Century then to Hippodrome where I had a hearty laugh about the clowns. 
April 2 (Sunday) Here all day: Told to [[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] and Nina who want to move in a rented home not to make too definite plans until present [[strikethrough]] muddle [[/strikethrough]] quarrel with Kirk Brown is settled as from this may depend whether I sell out and change all my plans 
[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] [[K. Brown?]] [[/annotation]]
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[[annotation in top margin in red]] merger accounting [[/annotation]]
A good deal of [[red underline]] unrest and intriguing [[/red underline]] between the help on who is going to occupy the [[red underline]] cottage [[/red underline]] while Celine is in Europe. Lewis tells his story
April 3. Lunch with Carleton Ellis at University Club Tells me Kirk Brown sued Mrs. Aylsworth and Frank Dyer but lost his suit on account of testimony of Ellis. Shows me some molded samples of a product obtained from hydrocarbons on which he has reacted with sulphur or with sulphur chloride and which contains a very large amount of sulphur. Hence I am skeptical whether they could be used for electrical purposes. Some of the moldings are black material others 
[[annotation in left margin in red]] Kirk Brown [[/annotation]]