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Westinghouse very urgently want [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] to buy him out. Told him it was very nice of him to mention it to me but all what I wanted is that he should make a good bargain As far as we were concerned I could not see how it would do us much harm. Perhaps they want Boonton Rubber Companys contract with Bakelite as much as the factory on account of rapid increase of Radiophone business.  
April 4. I have a slight cold.  Afternoon went to Townsend office where Seabury was installing one of his portable Radiophone sets. Then to initiation of Tau Beta Pi Fraternity where Pupin and myself got 
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initiated as honorary members at one of the Rooms of Columbia Library. Very impressive ceremony and these young men made an excellent impression. Afterwards took Pupin in taxi to Chemists Club where had dinner and where both of us made the formal speeches.  
April 5. My cold has grown worse so had to keep quiet at home.  
April 6. Still bothered at home with that cold. Headache, oppressive and broken feeling. Spent day reading and sleeping.  
President Butlers secretary calls me up to say Butler can see me at noon but had to decline on account of my grippe.  
April 7. Still much bothered with grippe, temperature down