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to nearer normal, but still persistent headache. Karpen Redman and Kirk Brown in conference with Hays and Rossi and George Roll, Hamman away and Schleussner not yet back. Hays telephones it is not necessary to be there as he is straightening up all matters with Goldsmith. Latest excuse of Kirk Brown for falsifying his royalty returns is that Frank L. Dyer told him to do so. First opportunity I have I intend to ask Dyer about this.  
Saturday ^[[April 8]]. Feel decidedly better. Temperature normal.  Went at [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 8:45 A.M to Chemists Club where I met Redman in presence of George Roll. Told Redman what I think of Kirk Brown and gave him 
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exact story of situation as to license - contracts and patents. Told him I have no faith in Kirk Brown neither as a useful executive nor as a businessman. He cannot think straight and brings in complications where they do not exist and will cause endless obstructions by his narrow petty and selfish points of view which prevent him of seeing a situation from a broad standpoint. 
I have gained the impression that there is little love lost between Redman or Karpen and Kirk Brown. About 11 A.M went to office of R&H where [[strikethrough]] Redman [[/strikethrough]] Karpen Goldsmith, Kirk Brown, Rossi and George Roll are assembled with Griffith, the accountant who is calling their attention
[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] Merger [[/annotation]]