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and I foresee quite some complications and ^[[quiet]] alterations of plans, etc during the next few weeks in relation to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] 
^[[my]] business connections with the new merger.
Exceptionally warm = 80°F.
April 11. Nina somewhat better. [[strikethrough]] Ge [[/strikethrough]] Drove with Celine and George to Aguitania with which C. is sailing for France.  [[strikethrough]] Afternoon [[/strikethrough]] Mrs. Middlebrook came around at last moment. Afternoon Hays telephones me that it seems Kirk Brown [[strikethrough]] wants [[/strikethrough]] is so dissatisfied and disgruntled wants to sell his stock -- so much the better! But he says bid of Karpen is not high enough.  Always kicking and objecting after he has signed a contract of 
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his own planning and scheming! Told Hays there is no reason why we should boost price of Kirk Brown's holdings against Karpen
April 12. [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]]better. Had long talk with George Roll about present situations in G.B. Co and his personal affairs. Offered him to let Nina be transported here and they both to come and live here [[strikethrough]] until [[/strikethrough]] with the baby till she has recovered but he thinks it better to stay in their flat while things are more accessible and where he can get along with one maid, and then Nina and baby and himself will come here while moving to their new house in Philipie Manor is going on. Afternoon spent at Spuyten Duivel around Ion. Lewis