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finishing scraping of outside of forecabin. Evening visited Nina who seems much better and seems cheerful. 
April 13. Here all morning. Afternoon went to N.Y and supper at U.C [[strikethrough]] Went to see [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Got letter from]] Dr. W.H. Nichols who told me the bad news that Moffett manager of Corn Products Co plant rejects Baskerville process as not so good as theirs. 
[[strikethrough]] April 14. [[/strikethrough]] I called up Coats to hear his opinion. He will send me a letter.  
April 14. Lewis scraping boat all day. Evening Hachett came here for supper tries to interest me to take a $10000 bond in his school under pretext of calling it a 
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Memorial Scholarship in memory of Willy Sand. No. 
April 15. Nina got up to early and has a relapse. Met Dr. Herstein who tries to interest me in some vulcanized fibre paper which he makes by treating paper with a mixture of H2SO4 + HNO3, then smelts in NaOH. Called up Rossi and made appointment for him to meet Herstein next next Tuesday. Rossi says our sales this month will be 4000000 lbs. the largest in our history. [[strikethrough]] I also [[/strikethrough]] Says he wants an additional ball-mill 
Told him to buy one and everything necessary to be prepared for greatly increased demand on account of Radiophone developments. Went to meet Dr. W.H. Nichols