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on behalf of Baskerville matter. He tells me Moffet is a cold-blooded executive and has no research department.  Nevertheless I ask him to arrange meeting between Moffet and myself. Lunch at Century then went to see Chauve Souris a Russian Variety show then supper at University Club.
April 15 (Sunday) Beautiful mild weather. Dr. Robert Bridges and Mr. George Piet here for lunch and a bottle of 1870 Richebourg. Drove them back to University Club and was back here to take my supper alone.  
April 16. Here all day. Phoned to Townsend about Fibre
infringement. Sent $79.00 to Société Chimique de France for Life Membership.
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April 18. Went to meet President Butler, told him about [[strikethrough]] akw [[/strikethrough]] awkward condition of Department of Chemistry and [[red underlined]] pettiness of Beans. [[/red underlined]]
His lack of personality, boorishness, not a member of Am. Chem. Society 
Tries to perpetuate unfortunate condition brought about by Alexander Smith incident. How situation is well known outside, acts to detriment of reputation of University. Told him McKee has been a distinct gain to our department which runs well but suffers by situation of Department of Chemistry. Great mistake has been to make Beans a full professor [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[while]] overlooking Kendall and Nelson. Butler said he thought so himself and that Kendal