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members in the Club several of whom have died since
Sunday [[black underline]] 23. April [[/black underline]] Nina ^[[was]] moved here this morning. In March they gave up their appartment without providing for another place to get in and now at the eleventh hour they are house hunting complicated with the fact that Nina is ill and needs rest. Houses are available but they are not willing to pay the price asked.
Monday, April 24. Got away early to meet [[red underline]] Prindle [[/red underline]] and discussing report of Patent Committee of National Research Council ditto of Am. Electrochemical Society 
Told to [[strikethrough]] prem [[/stirkethrough]] Prindle I am resigning as chairman and want him appointed as chairman
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Feel very tired and disgusted and should dearly like to get away from everything for a long time.
Tuesday, April 25 [[strikethrough]] Here preparing [[/strikethrough]] Here this morning.
April 26. Hays calls up to say Kirk Brown wants to know whether I will buy his stock and whether he will be appointed General Manager. Told him do not want to meet Kirk Brown nor bid for his stock. He should sell it to Karpen. As to Manager this matter will have to be decided after discussion with Karpen and other directors He says Kirk Brown wants to know before going to see Karpen in Chicago.
I wrote to Karpen advising him about all this