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May 30 (Sunday) Here all day, beautiful sunny weather Took long walk along aqueduct, before dinner. Country is at its best. flowers and green everywhere.
May 1. Long conference with Redman at Columbia University Club then supper with him at University Club. Discussed with him all pending matters also Kirk Brown he seems to have as little patience with him as I do. I believe more and more that Redman will be an asset and a hearty cooperator for the best interests of the Company
May 2. [[strikethrough]] Yesterday I noticed our new office has best one doe to a [[/strikethrough]] Here all day, telephone conversation with Roll, Schleussner etc.
May 3. Met Rossi, Hays, Schleussner 
Roll in conference discussing
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various pending matters
Evening supper at University Club. Gave Pupin a check for $100, for Serbian Relief and Welfare Fund
Evening Annual meeting of Chemists Club, and there had further talk with Redman about pending matters
May 4. Director's meeting of G.B. Co all present except Hamman now in Europe.
Then meeting with Karpen + Goldsmith to talk over K. Brown situation. Then Karpen and Goldsmith went to Kirk Brown to talk over realties with him. Kirk Brown foolishly imagines we want to play a trick on him, and as he is heavily in debt has made some arrangement with Karpen that the latter will garantee him a certain