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[[strikethrough]] Took Gold Then had our first meeting of [[/strikethrough]] Took Karpen, Goldsmith, Berlitzheimer and the two Browns to Columbia University Club for lunch, then afterwards had fast regular meeting of Board of Directors of Bakelite Corporation I presiding. Townsend and Williams absent because [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] when we notified them they had left their office
Evening went to Chemists Club to meeting of Society Chemical Industry where I spoke in discussing lecture of Professor Norris on Industrial Organic Research.
May 6. (Saturday) Early meeting 9:00 AM of Executive Committee of Bakelite
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Corporation. Schleussner at my suggestion appointed Chairman members: [[red underline]] Baekeland, [[/red underline]] Rossi, Schleussner, Karpen and Redman alternate member for the latter, Berlitzheimer.
[[red underline]] Kirk Brown [[/red underline]] and his son invited by courtesy to be present at the discussions. (Karpen suggested this) so as to show him that we do not intend to play tricks as he might imagine
Special committees organized and appointed
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[[red underline]] I signed all the new share certificates. Excellent spirit shown. [[/red underline]] Everybody seems satisfied and we are thru at noon and I feel very much relieved. 
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Went for lunch to Century Club and for supper to University Club. Beautiful mild weather